Online counselling for couple therapy and sex therapy is just as effective as in person counselling. You can get exactly the same benefits as being in a room with a therapist, without the travel time, babysitter costs, and inconvenience of having to get to a clinic.
Most clients with children will set their children up with a tv show or movie in another room, with the volume up, and then go to another room to access the link and do the session. We always ask that children are not present in the room or able to hear during counselling sessions. If we are interrupted by little ones, as is often the case, the therapist will stop and pause, we will talk about the weather and nothing counselling related – until the children are safely out of the room. Pets, tea, coffee, dressing gowns, pillows are all welcome in your counselling session. You can make yourself as comfortable as you like. We do ask though that you don’t drive during your counselling session for your own safety.
Online counselling works via a secure unique Telehealth Zoom link sent to you for your session. You can select to do your session with your video on or off – or a combination of those options. Some people like to start their first session with their camera on, and then do an audio session for the next session as they like to go for a walk while talking. Some people prefer the comfort of just doing audio (works like a telephone call) sessions.
On the day of your appointment, you click on the zoom link, enter the password, and connect. It will often say – waiting for your host to start the meeting, and you will be in a waiting room until the therapist adds you to the session. You do not need to download an app or anything before your session.
It is important to ensure that your device, phone, iPad or laptop, has audio approved for zoom – you can do this via the app settings on your phone, or via the audio settings on your device. If you call from a car, please make sure that you turn your Bluetooth off, as this can interfere with the audio settings for your session.
Once you’re in your session, you’ll quickly forget that you’re online and the session will feel just as it does in person. If you have any questions about how online counselling works, please feel free to reach out to us and we will go through it all with you.